VERTEX_SE2 i x y theta
EDGE_SE2 i j x y theta info(x, y, theta)
This edge represents $T^i_j$ , i.e transformation of j with respect to i. And x, y, and theta are relative transforms of j wrt i.
info(x, y, theta)
is the information matrix that represents the confidence in the measurement and it is the inverse of the covariance matrix. Hence, it is symmetric and positive semi-definite. We typically only store the upper-triangular block of the matrix in row-major order.
Generally, we treat $x, y, \theta$ as independent variables. And only weigh the diagonal entries of the information matrix.
For practical purposes, all the non diagonal elements of information matrix will be 0. As you've seen in 1D SLAM solved example.
VERTEX_SE3:QUAT i x y z $q_x\\; q_y\\; q_z\\; q_w$
EDGE_SE3:QUAT i j x y z$\\;q_x\\; q_y\\; q_z\\; q_w$info(x, y, z, $\\theta_x,\\theta_y,\\theta_z$)
This edge represents: $T^i_j$ , i.e transformation of j with respect to i.
Though relative transformation is measured in quaternion, the information matrix is measured in Euler angles.